Genre & Intertexuality (Steve Neal)

Genre & Intertextuality 

Genre: A style or category of media texts governed by implicit rules that are shared by the makers of the product and the audience for it.

Music: Genres

  1. Rap
  2. Pop
  3. Hip Hop
  4. Grime
  5. Blues
  6. Classical
  7. Indie
  8. Metal
  9. Folk
  10. Acapella
  11. Reggae
  12. Alternative
  13. EDM
  14. Country 
  15. Dubstep
  16. Opera
  17. Musical theatre 
  18. Soul
  19. Rock
Hybrid Genre - A mixture between two separate genres combined to make a underground and less known 

Generic Paradigms - are aspects of a media text


Steve Neale
believes that genre is essentially instances of repetition and difference. He suggested that texts need to confirm to some generic paradigm 


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