Narrative (And Representation) (Tzvetan Todorov, Narratology) (Equilibrium)


Narration: The process of telling a story 
Narrative: The way in which the story is told

Arcetype is what refers to a character within a media piece that is reoccurring through characteristics. 

Tzvetan Todorov - Narratology 

Todorov's Theory Of Narrative: Equilibrium 

Establishment of Equilibrium: The state of balance

Disequilibrium: The state of imbalance 

Partial restoration of equilibrium: 

The lim

What this theory presents is the idea of there can be no narrative without conflict.


Black Mirror's first episode 'The National Anthem' describes the odd situation of the newish and relatively liked Prime minister being asked to have sexual intercourse with a pig in an attempt to save a kidnapped princess. Throughout the episode it is almost shown that he may not need to actually have sex with the animal but in a tragic turn of events he has sex with a big live on television for over three hours with only three screens of pornography to have any help in trying to diminish the situation. After he finishes, the timeline skips to a direct year later where the Prime minister has been described as the most popular one in several generations as well as the princess being pregnant with her first child. But there is a light point that his wife refuses to speak with him. This plot line fits into the theory even though the subject matter is unconventional and unusual. 

media product only has one narrative it is referred to as a single strand narrative while several narratives are referred as a multi strand narrative. 

Analysis of Narrative

Genre Iconology - dramatic, excessive, gestures, communicative of conflict

Binary Oppositions - Beautiful women in white with aggressive expressions

Disruption of Equilibrium - Symbolic code of vampire biting showing empowerment


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