Video Game & Radio Industries
Video Games
Component section
Explore the ways in which an audience can give and take pleasure from Assassin's Creed Liberation
- Fandom - Henry Jenkins
- Merchandise
- End of audience theory - Clay Shirky
- MLP/AC video
- Contests
- Research
- High production value
- Art appreciation
- Sexual representation of women
- Shipping
- Transforming the product into something that they can receive more pleasure for
- David Gauntlet - Identity
12 mark question - 12 minutes
Class notes
- Sexual gratification - a lot of video games are based on the emphasis of women with exaggerated bodies (fetishization) Application to ACL: use of the female protagonist although she's not explicitly sexualized. this could also be seen as a strong female protagonist would link to David Gauntlet's identity theory of identification that female demographics may enjoy that more than typical video game characters.
- Ubisoft - a triple-A video game company with huge production values. Major label, a major distributor.
- AC3L - sold 600,000 copies
- The game has a very high production value
- The game failed because it was released on the PS Vita in 2012 and originally exclusive but then made a wider release
- Handheld advantages - take anywhere, theoretically can get emersed in it
- Fandom - my little pony mashup - did this to blend the two things they love together, widen the audience
- Collector's item - limited edition merchandise that the cult audience will appreciate
- Through digital advantages - getting Assasin's Creed 3, you can get the second one free
- different reasons why people play video games - friendships, a part of a community
- Customisation - characters have a range of weapons and downloadable content aka DLC
- Repetition - Steve Neale
- Horror = pleasure
Radio Industry
- Produced by the BBC
- Distributed by BBC sound
- Lauren Lavern
- Digital technology - any technology that utilizes a computer
- digital subsidury of he bbc
- easy to navigate
- late night - adult appeal
- there was no adult content
- all female
- scheduling
- late night = older, mature and small audience
- threat of streaming services
- relatable
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