Video Game & Radio Industries
Video Games Component section Explore the ways in which an audience can give and take pleasure from Assassin's Creed Liberation Fandom - Henry Jenkins Merchandise End of audience theory - Clay Shirky MLP/AC video Contests Research High production value Art appreciation Sexual representation of women Shipping Transforming the product into something that they can receive more pleasure for David Gauntlet - Identity 12 mark question - 12 minutes Class notes Sexual gratification - a lot of video games are based on the emphasis of women with exaggerated bodies (fetishization) Application to ACL: use of the female protagonist although she's not explicitly sexualized. this could also be seen as a strong female protagonist would link to David Gauntlet's identity theory of identification that female demographics may enjoy that more than typical video game characters. Ubisoft - a triple-A video game company with huge production values. Major lab...